Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What's the deal with Michele Bachmann?

A post by "The Editor"

So the gentlewoman wants to speak out on the CO2 tax. OK, fine. I'm down with that, I don't agree with her position in the least, but it is her job to get up and speak her mind, and present the argument for her and her constituents point of view.

Her recent appointment to the House GOP American Energy Solutions Group is pretty much a wash. Their primary focus is "More oil, and oh yeah, we should try to do something about getting clean energy." Pretty much same crowd that came up with "Drill, Baby, Drill". I guess it's hard to expect anything new from the "hey, let's do more of the same and see if that works" crowd.

Known for occasionally putting her foot in her mouth, she's made a few whoppers in recent months. This one takes the cake, and once again, the media's missing the bigger point. That is, that too often, our politicians are simply pulling stuff out of their butts to say, or simply repeating the party line because it's easier than thinking for yourself, let alone thinking at all.

Here's where things begin to get weird. In her recent speech on the house floor (video below), she goes on and on how CO2 is naturally occurring and therefor, should be left free of regulations. Well, I'm quite sure the IRS isn't knocking on Mother Natures door.

Apparently, no one has ever explained to her that anything in excess, no matter how good or natural, can be detrimental.

Water is a good case in point. In the land of the 15 minute memory span, folks (including the Congresswoman from Minnesota's 6Th District) may have forgotten this story.

Now go play it safe and have a beer.

-The Editor

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