Monday, July 13, 2009



Nano means billionth, so a nanometer is a billionth of a meter. That is clearly very small: on this scale, a human hair is enormous at 100 000 nm across and even red blood cells are thousands of nanometers in diameter. But a DNA molecule, for example, is 2 nm wide. At this level, the properties of materials (electronic, optical, magnetic, etc.) can differ significantly from those at a larger scale, leading to many new possible applications. Nanotechnology is the design and production of materials, devices, and systems at this fundamental, molecular scale.

Nano Today


Now, let's turn to the Guardian and its article, "Research on tiny particles could damage brain, scientists warn."

"It's too early to be alarmed, because we don't yet know what the particles might do in humans. We shouldn't stop working with them, we should just look for what adverse effects these particles might cause," said Oberdorster. The report is due to appear in the journal Inhalation Toxicology.

"This is the first documented evidence that an innocent particle like carbon, if it's small enough, can find its way into the brain," said Professor Ken Donaldson, a toxicologist at Edinburgh University. "The worry would be if the nanotechnology business designs nanoparticles which are fundamentally different from the ones which we are already exposed to, and seem to cope with reasonably well. If very different nanoparticles are manufactured, there's a concern that they might have a different effect in the body."

Nature is also concerned.

Little is known about what effect nanoparticles will have when they reach the brain. The toxicity of the nanoparticles that are currently being used to build prototype nanosized electronic circuits -- such as carbon nanotubes, which are produced in labs around the world -- has not been thoroughly assessed.

But Donaldson says that there is a growing feeling that other nanoparticles, such as those produced by diesel exhausts, may be damaging to some parts of our body. He estimates that people in cities take in about 25 million nanoparticles with every breath. These particles are believed to increase respiratory and cardiac problems, probably by triggering an inflammatory reaction in the lungs.

Now, more experiments are needed to determine how nanoparticles can enter our brains. In the mean time, let's hope that nanotechnology research will continue and will not be harmed by a moratorium.


While larger ills persist unabated, take heart that one small indignity of modern life may soon fade away: TV ads that scream BUY NOW! This week Congress will consider the Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act, aka CALM, which would limit ads to the average decibel level of a show. An advertising spokesman says they've received enough complaints the industry might act on its own to bring the volume down.

- Common Dreams