An Editor's Post
OK, so there's been a noticeable shift in calling the Swine Flu by it's scientific name of the H1N1 Virus. I guess it's the politically correct thing to do now that both China and Russia have started to refuse our pork exports. I have a hard time buying into this since the science proves that you can't get the virus from processed pork or even a live pig for that matter. This is a virus that mutated, from a pig virus to a human virus. If you're going to catch it, you're going to get it from another human.
I don't mean to make light of the real and somewhat frightening risk of a pandemic breaking out worldwide. Regretfully, the reality of political correctness, political caution and misinformation is there. I'd bet real money that China and Russia's refusal of our exports has way more to do with 1) - Economic opportunism and 2) - Doing something stupid and of no real medical use so their leaders can look like they're doing something in front of their media that gives the appearance of them protecting their citizenry.
The widely publicised use of surgical masks has been getting some attention along with the fact that they don't really do much to protect you from getting H1N1. I would think however, that if you believe you may be infected with the H1N1 virus, wearing a surgical mask might help you from spreading it around. Coughing, sneezing and just breathing in general emits microscopic vapor particles on which the virus can ride along. Touching a surface that has collected these vapor particles and then touching your face, lips, nose or food you're about to consume is how you are most likely to contract it, if you get it at all. This means the best protection is good old hand washing and the use of hand sanitizers.
I think I'll scrub up and have a pork chop.
-The Editor
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