Title: Alligator Tag Line : The devestation of nature threatens more animals than you think Agency : Almap BBDO Comunicações Fundação O Boticário de Proteção à Natureza (Brazil)
Title: Stencil Tag Line : Our dirty dependence on coal is now taking its toll. Agency : DraftFCB (Sydney) Made For: Greenpeace(Australia)
Title: Radial Turtle Agency : Goodby, Silverstein & Partners Made For: California Coastal Commission (US) Tag Line : California Coastal CleanUp Day
Title: Fish Tag line: By 2050, indiscriminate fishing will have taken away 90% of marine species. Agency: Contrapunto Made for: WWF/Adena (Spain)
Title: Marea Negra Agency: Euro RSCG Worldwide Tag line: Save the ocean Made for: Greenpeace (Spain)
Title: Girl Agency: ZiG Inc. Made For: Evergreen Tag line: Be the root. Nature in the city begins with all of us. The harder you try, the more it will thrive. We need your help
Title: Mudanças climáticas (Climate change) Agency : Almap BBDO Comunicações Greenpeace (Brazil) Tag line : Climate change. Make a choice while you still can (Actual shot of Amazon River.)
Title: Turtle Agency: Ogilvy & Mather Made for: WWF (Hungary)
Title: Glove Agency: Y&R Paris Made for: Surfrider Foundation
Title: Pineapple Agency: McCann-Erickson Brand Communications Agency GmbH Made for: Bund/Friends of the Earth (Germany) Tag line: Think global. Eat Local
E-Mails From Mark is a running commentary on e-mails I've been receiving from my buddy, Mark for over a couple of years now.
Mark scours the Internet, news feeds and the occasional dirty pan in search of the truth, facts and stories that, for whatever reason, seem to be missed by the major media outlets, or at least skipped over until they become too big too simply overlook.