Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ex-Bush Henchman Wants to be "CEO of Afghanistan" (Literally)


Jeremy Scahill
May 19, 2009 - Common Dreams


This story that is developing with the big oil-Bush buddy Zalmay Khalilzad is amazing in how crude it is. Khalilzad of course was one of Bush's top diplomatic henchmen in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere and an original signer of the Project for a New American Century, whose global conquest agenda was adopted as official US policy under Bush. Well, good ol' Zal apparently wants to be president of Afghanistan, but he missed the May 8 deadline to file. So, instead, he is now cooking up a plan with the US-puppet president, Hamid Karzai, to become the "chief executive officer of Afghanistan." That is not a joke. That is exactly how The New York Times described Khalilzad's desired position:

The position would allow Mr. Khalilzad to serve as "a prime minister, except not prime minister because he wouldn't be responsible to a parliamentary system," a senior Obama administration official said. Taking the unelected position would also allow Mr. Khalilzad to keep his American citizenship.

Administration officials insisted that the United States was not behind the idea of enlisting Mr. Khalilzad to serve in the Afghan government, and they gave no further details on what his duties might be.

A plan that puts Mr. Khalilzad near the top of a Karzai government would provide the Obama administration with a strong conduit to push American interests in Afghanistan…

You cannot make this stuff up.

It was bad enough that the US imported Hamid Karzai who would be ripped to shreds in about 2 seconds if the US military pulled out of Afghanistan. Now, the Obama folks want to actually impose tolerate one of Bush's cronies as a non-elected "CEO" of an occupied country where his job is described in corporate terms so that he can "push American interests."

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