Jeff Koyen
May, 26, 2009 - True/Slant
For once, we can properly employ the word "literally." As in: Israel literally wiped Palestine off the map last week. Many UK outlets reported this story, but let's cite The Muslim News, for they are certainly the most unbiased:
Posters showing misleading Israeli maps are being removed from London underground stations following a series of protests made to be Britain's Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).
The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC), which led the complaints with Jews for Justice for Palestinians, welcomed the decision as a "victory" in the face of attempts by the Israeli Tourism Ministry to "deliberately deny the existence of Palestine."
"These adverts wiped Palestine off the map. It was particularly grotesque to use this map in an advert for tourism, given that under the Israeli blockade of Gaza, even humanitarian aid staff are denied entry," PSC said.
In a series of letters, British authorities were warned they would be "complicit" in displaying misinformation that "deliberately wiped Palestine off the map."
The Syrian Embassy in London also threatened to take "necessary legal steps" for the removal of the incorrect maps on the posters, which also excluded the occupied Golan Heights.
The posters, which started to appear last week, were due to go up at 150 sites across London in a campaign costing £40,000, but according to the Jewish Chroncile, they were prematurely withdrawn by the Israeli Tourism Ministry before the ASA made a ruling.
Despite reports and headlines to the contrary, the Israeli Tourism Board actually refused to remove the posters. While they admitted to having made a mistake, the ministry's head of marketing administration told the BBC, "We are not tearing anything down." However, they did agree to "fast-forward" the next batch of posters.
In the meantime, stay out of the tube. You know how bomby things can get when Palestinians and Israelis bicker over borders.
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